🟢Integrate Starknet DeFi protocol (Easy)

Available Task ✨ (few days)

For undercollateralized loan, borrowed assets and collaterals are sent to an isolated smart contract (the recipient) that can be managed with limited access. When the borrower want to trade recipient assets, he is using adapters better than directly calling other DeFi protocols methods. We are using adapters to make the interaction easier and more secure.

Thus, for borrowers to have access to other DeFi protocol, an adapter has to be built, tested and allowed.

2 adapters have been built until now:

  • Jediswap AMM for swap and liquidity

  • ERC4626 standard in order to use DeFi vaults


  • Share the protocol you want to integrate in the issue (we need an authorization of the team before)

  • Head to lib/morphine/adapters and select AMM or create a new repositary, regarding the type of DeFi protovol you want to create an adapter for

  • Import baseAdapter.cairo and implement the contract

  • Once you are ready, setup unit test with protostar

Last updated