🔴LT Optimizer (Easy)
Taken ✨ (1-2 weeks)
To protect pool from loss, user collateral is weighted for 2 reasons:
The liquidation comes with fees, a premium for the liquidator and an other part for the protocol. Thus, we need to take into account those fees in the value of user collaterals.
The collateral can be different from the user debt token. A very volatile asset (against the debt token) could rapidly lose in value and create an insolvency and thus a loss for the pool
Liquidation Threshold = 1 - ( liquidation premium + liquidation fees + volatility of the asset against the debt token)
Currently, volatility is set by the governance, this process requires manual intervention and brings a lot of overhead with it. Also it is pretty centralized
Our solution is to create an on-chain liquidation threshold parameters optimizer. Anyone can update the liquidation thresholds, calling the optimizer, taking account the volatility of the concerned asset through Empiric composable datafeed.
Head to lib/morphine/optimizers and create ltOptimizer.cairo
Implement the contract
Once you are ready, setup unit test with protostar
Propose solution to reward updaters, explain how the optimizer could be improved (what timeframe should we consider volatility for exemple)
Build functions to add and remove token key for Empiric (docs)
Quote all allowed assets from borrow module and the debt token
Quote the volatility data through Empiric
Calculate the new liquidation threshold, taking into account the new volatility
Connect to borrow module configurator to access the "update liq threshold" method
Stick to the Yagi keeper standard so we can use it. (docs)
The interesting parameter here is the volatility of the asset against the debt token.
Last updated