🔴Strategy NFT (Easy)
Taken ✨ (Few days)
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Taken ✨ (Few days)
Last updated
Morphine offers tools to analyze and monetize strategies, represented as NFT.
A strategy can be minted by a strategy manager for some USDC (to cover infra cost). This NFT contains an allocation token array (struct with token address and allocation), exemple strategy ID 54:
20% staked ETH
60% optionVault token
The strategy minter can then update this allocation to stick with his strategy.
This strategy will be :
Analyzed (performance, returns, analytic graph...). All of these data will be displayed in our App, in this way, we'll be able to compare all their performance.
Monetized: other Morphine users will be able to stick to the strategy and the governance will send to strategy managers a part of the platform fees.
Head to lib/morphine/strat and create strategies.cairo
Implement the contract
Once you are ready, setup unit test with protostar
Always make sure address provided in the allocation array are ERC20 compatible
Allocation should be calculated with 10^18 Precision (20% equal 20*10^16)
Don't forget to emit events on Mint/update